Overnight Junk cruise in Halong Bay, Vietnam

“We’re on the wrong boat,” he yelled in utter exuberance as he turned his look back to the close-by junk. The other boat was having a party, total with loud electronic dance music that reverberated onto the walls of ours. youngster — his name was youngster — posed as though he was prepared to jump into the water as well as swim to the “party boat”, as what he called it. The only thing that stopped him was the humongous jellyfish that Matt caught earlier that night. “There may be lots of them where it came from,” Matt warned.

“I’m best where I want to be,” I stated joshingly as I climbed the stairs in browse of a bit quiet. This was precisely exactly how I pictured my day would end — lying conveniently on the top deck of the boat, with a drink in one hand as well as a Neil Gaiman book in the other under the velvet skies. Starless — stars have ended up being as elusive as peace of mind these days — however the emptiness was oddly therapeutic.

I shared the boat with a lots other tourists from all around the world: three couples from the US, Australia, as well as Portugal; two buddies from Switzerland; a little household from new Zealand, as well as three other solo backpackers from Canada, Spain, as well as England. Kid, the Canadian, was the liveliest of them all. It’s funny exactly how only after a day of touring, we felt like one huge pleased family, like siblings as well as sisters. Or not, provided that youngster as well as one of the Swiss women had been dancing flirtatiously in one corner.


From Hanoi to Halong Bay
The Junk as well as the Bay
Sung Sot Cave (Surprise Grotto)
Ti top Beach
Ρευστή αγορά
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From Hanoi to Halong Bay

My journey to Halong Bay started in Hanoi, 170 kilometers to the west. On my fifth day, I had lastly chose to get out of the city as well as this world-famous UNESCO Heritage site was an simple choice. Hanoi Municipal Hotel, where I stayed, provided a broad range of trips at competitive rates. I got this cruise for only USD60. Not bad, I thought. The next day, I was chosen up by a van as well as was transferred to a mini-bus bound for the bay. It’s a two-and-a-half-hour ride, interrupted only by a long stop at a souvenir shop, where I grabbed breakfast in the type of fresh pomelo.

When we reached the wharf, we were asked to wait on a short while before boarding. We were then ushered to the restaurant onboard as well as gotten ready for lunch. There was nothing special about the meal, except that its being “not special” was a great conversation starter. fantastic friendships always begin with something like, “Man, what the fawk are we eating?”

The Junk as well as the Bay

The junk boats were not exactly how I imagined it. They were all painted white like the ghosts of what I pictured them to be. as well as like ghosts, they were quickly masked by the thick mist that loomed over the quiet waters. Ours did not have the signature sails, however every corner was neat as well as tidy. even my space had nothing that I might grumble about. It was small, as expected, however comfortable enough. No problem, I would be costs much of my time outside.

Most junk boats had been painted white.
The top deck ended up being my comfort zone. as well as it appeared like it was the exact same for everybody else. We always discovered ourselves sprawled on one of the beach beds while viewing the karst cliffs pass by. There was no running out of them. practically 2000 islands increase from the water that might glisten under the sun if not blocked by the fog. Our boat sailed carefully as well as thoroughly in between the peaks as well as with the mist that fostered an environment of mystery. just like in fantasy movies! This is exactly how adventures start! Λανθασμένος.

There is nothing adventurous about our stops that day. They were all jam-packed. I was prepared to get pissed at tourists in general, however then I realized I was one of them. Εγκαυμα.

Sung Sot Cave (Surprise Grotto)

When the boat docked by the wooden platform on Bo Hon Island, the group immediately headed for the exit as well as complied with the crowd up a staircase to the huge space on the immense karst wall towering before us. Sung Sot Cave, likewise understood as surprise Grotto, is one of the most prominent stops in Halong Bay. The ascent was not that challenging as foliage offered shade, although unneeded at the time. The climb slowly exposed a great panoramic view of this part of the bay.

View from the mouth of Sungsot Cave
Inside the surprise Grotto
This is exactly how huge Sung Sot Cave is.
Going deeper into the cave
Sung Sot Cave homes two chambers. The very first resembles a movie theater hall, while the other intimidates with size. The second chamber is stated to be able to fit as much as a thousand people at once. A big opening enables lots of natural light in, however multi-colored lampsΖωγραφίστε συνθετική δονήσεις στους τοίχους της σπηλιάς. Οι σταλακτίτες διακοσμούν το ανώτατο όριο, καθώς και τους σχηματισμούς πετρωμάτων – εμφανίζονται σαν μια ουρά δεινοσαύρων καθώς και ένα ακόμα που εμφανίστηκε σαν ένα χαρούμενο πέος – σερβίρετε ευφάνταστη οικιακή ψυχαγωγία στην πορεία.

Ti Top Beach

Η δεύτερη στάση μας ήταν ένα σχήμα ημισελήνου, η αμμώδη λωρίδα που ονομάζεται Ti Top Beach, το όνομά του από τον ρωσικό Austronaut Germane Ti Top, ο οποίος έβαλε το πόδι σε αυτό το νησί με τον Πρόεδρο Ho Chi Minh το 1962. Η παραλία είναι ελάχιστα καθώς και τόσο συμφόρηση κατά τη διάρκεια της μετάβασης μου Σε αυτό το περπάτημα κατά μήκος του χωρίς να έρθει σε επαφή με με έναν ήλιο-πατέρα που εμφανίζεται πρακτικά αδύνατο. Υπήρχε ένα μπαρ. Υπήρχε ένα παιχνίδι ποδοσφαίρου. Ένιωσα ότι το μόνο που θα χρειαζόταν ήταν ένα πολύ περισσότερο άτομο καθώς και το νησί θα βυθίζονταν στα βάθη της θάλασσας.

Supercrowded, όσο φανταστική θέα.
Ti Top Beach
Ti Top Island. Εκτός από αυτό το βράχο είναι μια παγόδα που χρησιμεύει ως προοπτική για τους τουρίστες.
Όπως φαίνεται από την κορυφαία όψη Ti
Ο κύριος συρμός του πλήθους ήταν εδώ η άποψη, σκαρφαλωμένη στην κορυφή ενός βράχου. Η μέθοδος επάνω ήταν απότομη καθώς και τόσο στενή ώστε ένα άτομο θα έπρεπε να σταματήσει, καθώς και να μετεγκατασταθεί για να επιτρέψει την αντίθετη κίνηση. Η θέα, αν και καλή, δεν είναι τόσο μαγευτική όσο αυτή από το σπήλαιο έκπληξης, οπότε αν δεν είστε τόσο πολύ ένας ανεμιστήρας πεζοπορίας, ίσως θελήσετε να το αποφύγετε.

Ρευστή αγορά

Η στάση καγιάκ μας ήταν μια σειρά από σχεδίες που έφεραν ξύλινες καλύβες. Η ομάδα μας χωρίστηκε σε ζεύγη, που επιλέγουν ένα φωτεινό ζωγραφισμένο καγιάκ. “Τριάντα λεπτά”, φώναξε ο οδηγός μας, ωστόσο κανείς δεν άκουσε ή ακολούθησε. Σε αυτό το σημείο, πολλοί είχαν ήδη πετάξει μακριά, καθώς και πολλοί θα επέστρεφαν πολύ περισσότερο από μία ώρα αργότερα, αναζητώντας αναψυκτικά. Εκτός από το καλύτερο στο σύνθημα, οι πωλητές που κατευθύνουν τα σκάφη τους καλούδια προσέγγισαν την περιοχή.

Καγιάκ στον κόλπο Halong
Ένα πλωτό κατάστημα που πωλεί αναψυκτικά.
Halong Bay Junk Boat τη νύχτα.
Η κρουαζιέρα ήταν μάλλον σύντομη. Το συνειδητοποίησα εκείνο το βράδυ στο κορυφαίο κατάστρωμα, αφού ολοκλήρωσα ένα ακόμη κεφάλαιο του βιβλίου που είχα φέρει μαζί μου. Ήταν μια αξέχαστη εμπειρία, ωστόσο δεν θα μπορούσα να βοηθήσω, ωστόσο, επιθυμώ ότι είχα μείνει περισσότερο. Δεν έβλεπα πολλά, καθώς και εκείνοι που είδα που έβλεπα ήταν ξεπερασμένα από τους τουρίστες. Ενδεχομένως το ταξίδι 3 ημερών θα είχε δώσει μια πολύ καλύτερη εμπειρία. Ίσως, θα έπρεπε να έχω κλείσει με έναν πολύ καλύτερο χειριστή ταξιδιού. Παραδόξως, ήταν εκείνες οι στιγμές στο κορυφαίο κατάστρωμα του σκάφους, όπου είδα τον αστέρι ουρανό, που κατέληξε να είναι η κορυφή ολόκληρου του ταξιδιού.

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