Last Updated: 05/27/20 | may 27th, 2020

Elephants have long been important in Thailand, where they are a symbol of religion, history, royalty, and power.

According to Buddhist legend, Queen Maya of Sakya, Lord Buddha’s mother, dreamed that a divine Bodhisattva on a white elephant touched her side. She later became pregnant, and since then, elephants have had a strong connection to divinity and royalty in Buddhism. As Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist society, elephants are held in high esteem.

Additionally, elephants were used in the logging industry to help clear trees, so there was a practical nature to their importance as well.

After a government-imposed ban on logging in 1989, the industry dwindled and suddenly all of these elephants had no “purpose.” Their owners were left needing a way to make money for their families and the care of the elephants. since most tourists came to Thailand thinking “I can’t wait to ride an elephant,” it was a lucrative transition.

Elephants were taken into cities and fed by tourists who wanted a photo. In the jungles, riding camps were set up where visitors could ride an elephant through the jungle, take their photos, and return home with tales of their amazing experience.

Elephants became big company in the country. After all, as a tourist, who wouldn’t want a chance to see or ride one? It’s a dream come true for many.

When I lived in Thailand, I learned about the true nature of elephant tourism. I learned how those elephants roaming the streets were drugged and typically starved.

And it was illegal too.

Elephants in cities had been banned for years, but, as is common in Thailand, officials turned a blind eye or were paid off.

I was always torn: do I ignore them, hoping this will eventually end the practice, or do I feed the elephant out of kindness but perpetuate this cruelty?

It wasn’t until a few years ago, after an accident that left a child, a driver, and an elephant dead, that officials in Bangkok finally cracked down and made it elephant free.

And then there’s the riding? I mean riding an elephant sounds amazing!

Until you realize how the animal is treated, especially in Thailand.

When you ride an elephant, you get a glimpse into their poor treatment. I remember once yelling at the mahout (trainer) for swinging his hook a little too hard at the elephant. It left me very perturbed – and wishing I hadn’t ridden that elephant.

I didn’t know better. There wasn’t a lot of good information about there about how to see elephants in Thailand in a socially responsible way.

But the more time I spent in Thailand, the more I learned that there are no good elephant riding parks in all of Thailand. All abuse and mistreat their elephants — despite what they say. Moreover, riding elephants is actually terrible for their growth and development.

Luckily, there’s been a large movement in the last few years to protect the elephants and, now tourists, have a lot more ethical options when it comes to elephants in Thailand.

The pionner is Elephant Nature Park. Led by Lek Chailert, Elephant Nature Park (ENP) has been around since 1996 and is the biggest conservation and elephant rescue organization in Thailand.

Located outside of Chiang Mai, it is currently home to around 80 elephants (plus a menagerie of other animals) that have been saved from the tourism and logging industries. It’s a “retirement” home for elephants

Demand is so high, not only for visitors but volunteers too, that you have to make reservations in advancement to check out (for volunteers, that might mean up to a year in advance). When I tried to check out a few years ago, they were already booked for the next month!

This time, I booked ahead and was able check out and see all the good they do:

The more you learn about elephants in Thailand, the more you realize the need for change. It was heartbreaking listening to the stories of each elephant and seeing so many with broken backs, legs, and missing feet. Luckily, because of organizations like ENP and more socially conscious tourists, things are changing.

ENP has started to work with the riding camps to give up riding and move toward more animal-friendly practices. Thais are learning that people will pay big bucks to feed, bathe, and play with elephants and that this can be more lucrative, more popular, and more sustainable than offering rides.

As such, there are now a lot of places around Thailand where you can see and interact with elephants in a responsible way throughout the country:

Wildlife pals foundation of Thailand – A full-day check out is 1,600 THB per person and a half-day check out is 1,100 THB per person (excluding transport). wfft.orgl

Elephant Hills – luxury jungle camps with two-day tours that cost between 14,000-16,000 THB.

The Surin project – home to upwards of 200 elephants, here you can volunteer for up to eight weeks. Η τιμήis 13,000 THB per week (7 days is the minimum volunteer period).

Boon Lotts Elephant Sanctuary – The cost to check out is 6,000 THB per night, and reservations must be made in advance.

The elephant camps aren’t gone yet. They won’t be for a long, long time. but with more educated tourists and an economic incentive for locals to treat the elephants better, hopefully, we can significantly reduce these camps in the next few years (and eventually eliminate them).

So the next time you’re in Thailand, please don’t ride the elephants. If you want to see an elephant, check out Elephant Nature Park or a similar program and help protect these remarkable creatures.

You’ll get a closer and more personal interaction with the elephants, and you’ll be doing good. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

How to check out Elephant Nature Park

ENP is located near Chiang Mai, though they do have branches around the country (and in Cambodia) that also offer interactive, ethical experiences.

Short check outs to ENP last 6-7 hours and cost 2,500 THB per person. This includes a vegetarian lunch buffet as well as transportation to/from Chiang Mai.

Their popular overnight check out (2 days, 1 night) costs 5,800 THB per person and includes meals, transportation, and accommodation.

For a 7-day volunteer experience, expect to pay between 12,000-15,000 THB depending on which branch you visit.

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Book Your trip to Thailand: Logistical tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight
Use Skyscanner or Momondo to find a low-cost flight. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned. start with Skyscanner first though because they have the biggest reach!

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and low-cost hotels.

Don’t forget travel Insurance
Η ταξιδιωτική ασφάλιση θα σας προστατεύσει από ασθένεια, τραυματισμό, κλοπή και ακυρώσεις. Είναι ολοκληρωμένη προστασία σε περίπτωση που οτιδήποτε πάει στραβά. Ποτέ δεν πηγαίνω σε ένα ταξίδι χωρίς αυτό, όπως έπρεπε να το χρησιμοποιήσω πολλές φορές στο παρελθόν. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

Safety Wing (for everyone below 70)

Insure My trip (for those over 70)

Medjet (for additional repatriation coverage)

Looking for the best companies to save money With?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want more information on Thailand?
Be sure to check out our robust destination guide to Thailand for even more planning tips!

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